The tar-black night burned orange as a flame erupted from the rifle barrel, squeezing out of the flash suppressor, blinding me to all other light for years to come. It’s a flash that remains deep in my mind. It never left, and it never will. That flash changed reality, mutating it into a surreal mix of terror and blood, turning the colors of my world to crimson. It catalyzed the death of men and the erasure of a person. I was never to be the same. I could never be the same. Life, faith and meaning burned in that flash.
That is my memory of the evening of October 14th, 2016, when Al-Qaeda linked terrorists attacked my residence in Abalak Niger, killing men who were my friends and guards before taking me hostage. I was taken to the neighboring country of Mali, where I was held for ransom in the wild Sahara by Al Qaeda. I spent six -years-, five months, five days and twelve hours as a hostage, most of that time in chains. I am the longest held hostage in American history, at least of those that we know for sure are alive. I was ransomed and released on March 20, 2023, and arrived back with my family in Humboldt County, California a few days later. I was no longer the same person that I’d been. My perception had changed.
This story in its entirety, is penned in my book currently titled From Nowhere to Forever. As I write these paragraphs that book is still unpublished, as I seek a literary agent and publisher. It will be out soon, one way or another. It’s a tale worth telling and one worth reading.
Now I’m home, slowly coming to grips with what happened. Coming to grips with what was lost and with the injuries done to me and my family. I have PTSD and some other disorders, but I also have love. Love from family and friends as well as love for my neighbors. I no longer serve as a missionary overseas, as those days are spent and passed. Now I am a missionary to minds and spirits through my writing, poetry and speaking. How to stay safe, how to overcome pain, adversity, trauma and mental illness and most importantly how to love and forgive. In my heart these things remain; faith, hope and love, but of these, love is the greatest.
As I move along my path, I’ll share things here, and hopefully I’ll soon be able to offer you more to read. Until then, as I walk, please walk with me. I’ll enjoy your company.
-Jeff Woodke