
How will you paint me today? What colours will you use?
Will I be a burst of fiery red, or a mass of mixed-up blues?
What is my palette?

What figure do you see, while you’re busy painting me?
Do I stand straight, or slightly bent? Am I the devil, or am I heaven sent?
What do you perceive?

When you sketch, how thick are the lines that fix my limits, and me define?
Am I drawn mad and insane? Or am I a victim, with someone else to blame?
What do you believe?

Are my proportions and ratio golden? In your eyes am I thin, or swollen?
Will you create me far or near? My mood one of peace or broken in fear?
What is your perspective?

With your oils will you try to heal, or let your brush simply feel?
Will you mix the tints of a saint? Or me as a misbegotten poet paint?
What is your impression?

Which side or angle to you seems right? Dark and moody or sharp in the light?
Will you highlight my anger or my pain? Will the hues be of love or like bloody stains?
What is your composition?

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